Friday, July 19, 2013

Daily Love Tip #6

Over the next month or 2 we will be posting daily love tips on here, facebook #dailylovetips and twitter #dailylovetips. Feel free to post, repost, and share with your friends, family, and anyone you think needs them.

View yourselves as a team, which means you are two unique individuals bringing different perspectives and strengths. That is the value of a team—your differences. #dailylovetips

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Our Sincerest Apologies

Sorry to everyone who got the mass facebook message early this morning. I hit the wrong button and it sent my status out to almost 100 people. I am taking the necessary precautions to prevent a mass message from going out to our fans and friends in the future. Please forgive the annoyance/intrusion.

our sincerest apologies

Daily Love Tip #5

Over the next month or 2 we will be posting daily love tips on here, facebook #dailylovetips and twitter #dailylovetips. Feel free to post, repost, and share with your friends, family, and anyone you think needs them.

1.      Respect, respect, respect. Inside and outside the relationship, act in ways so that your partner always maintains respect for you. Mutual respect is essential to a good relationship.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Daily Love Tips #4

Over the next month or 2 we will be posting daily love tips on here, facebook #dailylovetips and twitter #dailylovetips. Feel free to post, repost, and share with your friends, family, and anyone you think needs them.

4. Know your needs and speak up for them clearly. A relationship is not a guessing game. Many people, men as well as women, fear stating their needs and, as a result, camouflage them. The result is disappointment at not getting what they want and anger at a partner for not having met their (unstated) needs. Closeness cannot occur without honesty. Your partner is not a mind reader.

Daily Love Tips #3

Over the next month or 2 we will be posting daily love tips on here, facebook #dailylovetips and twitter #dailylovetips. Feel free to post, repost, and share with your friends, family, and anyone you think needs them.

3. Don't confuse sex with love. Especially in the beginning of a relationship, attraction and pleasure in sex are often mistaken for love.

Daily Love Tips #2

Over the next month or 2 we will be posting daily love tips on here, facebook #dailylovetips and twitter #dailylovetips. Feel free to post, repost, and share with your friends, family, and anyone you think needs them.

2. Know your partner's beliefs about relationships. Different people have different and often conflicting beliefs about relationships. You don't want to fall in love with someone who expects lots of dishonesty in relationships; they'll create it where it doesn't exist.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Date Ideas for Every Day of the Month

Original Posting:

We need to spend some time as a couple and as a family. This time must be quality over quantity. This time is so important that if you have to reserve it in your agenda, do so. Your family bonds will grow stronger. Here are some suggestions of dates you can have both as a couple and as a family as well. Starting with family activities can be frustrating sometimes because the family is not use to reserve time for them, and most of the time they have their own preference in activities such as video games, hanging out with friends, watching tv, etc. Don’t give up, instead start planning ahead the activities you want to have. If you plan ahead of time the rest of the family will have time to plan activities for themselves. You don’t need to have an activity as a family every night, but you do need to spend some time as a couple reserved for nothing else. If you have kids there is a chance that you might be interrupted, and that is ok. But before you fall asleep, talk to your partner and reserve all your attention to him or her.

The following suggestions can be done as a family or as a couple.
      1.      Go for a dip in a public pool. (probably not the best idea for a first date)

2.     Go to a local aquarium, aviary, zoo, etc.

3.      Take a walk in the park.

4.      Go to the grocery store and get an ice-cream cone.

5.      Go for a drive in the mountains.

6.      Stay home and watch a movie.

7.      Go for a date with the whole family

8.      Go to a local mall and people watch

9.      Have a game night with the whole family

10.  Go to a museum

11.  Go to a movie.

12.  Go to a play

13.  Have a water balloon fight.

14.  Plan scavenger hunts together; either compete with your partner or make it a group date and invite some friends.

15.  Plan a service date. Help at a food bank, homeless shelter, orphanage, or at senior home, animal shelter, etc.

16.  Go bowling.

17.  Go to an arcade and play

18.  Play laser tag

19.  Have a night of star gazing

20.  Go paint balling

21.  Go camping if not overnight, just to a bonfire

22.  Have a family-film night (watch your home-made movies)

23.  Go window shopping at a mall, and have a meal at the food court.

24.  Have a barbecue

25.  Cook a meal as a family
Here are some activities that are more weather related, but always fun!

26.  Go swimming

27.  Go for a picnic

28.  Go for a hike

29.  Go ice blocking (buy ice blocks from a store, and slide down a hill on a park).

30.  Go to an amusement park.

31.  Build a snowman

32.  Carve a pumpkin

33.  Have a family-film night (watch your home-made movies)

 Here are some activities exclusively for couples.

34.  Keep a journal or a  blog together as a couple with memorable things for posterity

35.  Go to Starbucks and have a drink and a good conversation

36.  Turn the tv off and have a fun conversation about fun memories or something not too serious.

37.  Watch a game  at a sports bar

38.  Go to McDonalds and order random food, put blindfolds on and feed each other. See if you can 
      guess correctly what you are eating. It is super fun and you get to eat at the same time.

39.  Go to a thrift store and find random stuff, be sure to try wigs, and funny outfits.

40.  At the thrift store that you  went one day before pick an outfit for your partner and wear it on a public date.

41.  Make a special dinner at home. If you have children, have them stay at grandma, at a neighbor’s or at a classmate’s house.

42.  Go to a comedy club

43.  Go to a local concert.

44.  Reserve a night for ROMANCE. Check out our blog XOXO Foreplay XOXO for some activities suggestions.

Be patient and plan ahead. If your partner is usually tired because of working schedule, don’t be frustrated. Have some simple relaxing time. No matter how tired your partner is, there is always time for some steamy activities, but if your partner is not feeling well, do not pressure, just be there and show him or her how much you love him or her.