Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Manual to a Mans Heart!!

Original Posting

First off, I want to share with you that my husband is the one that wrote “The Manual to a Woman's Heart”. The reason we did it like this is because we wanted to put it in a way that it’s easier to understand for our readers. Now, I will tell you what I've learned over the years. So here it goes “The Manual to a Man's Heart”.

1. Men have a special ability that women lack, they can think of absolutely NOTHING!! So don't be upset when you ask your partner what he is thinking about and he answers in a confused and spaced out manner, "nothing".

2. Men have a very simple mind, and I do not mean it in a bad way. It's just that women dance around the subject, while men just see everything in black and white.

3. When something upsets you, be direct with your man. It will save time and the problem will be resolved a lot faster and easier.

4. Men HATE it when women bring stuff up from the past. So, if you have already dealt with a problem in the past, LEAVE IT IN THE PAST!!! Especially if it is not related to the current situation and you just want to make your point of how right you think you are. I am a woman, and I understand how much we like to be right, but trust me, what is in the past should stay in the past.

5. Talking about the past. “You should've” and “You could've” are always a bad way to start a sentence. Unless you have a unique time machine, there is absolutely nothing you can do to change the past. So in this case, it's better to move on and find solutions rather than to play the "blame game."

6. Man have a brain divided into boxes, and no box can mix with any other box at any time. Women however are a big tangled mess of wires; they all connect any subject to any other subject. This is especially true when we are having a conversation with our man.

For example men have a car box, a financial box, a fun box, a school box, a work box, etc. for every subject there is. They even have a NOTHING box, where they can quite literally think about nothing. Women can find a relation between all of those subjects and expect men to find those relations also. Which cannot happen, so if you want to have a successful conversation try to stay on one subject and let him know when you change it? (For example "I absolutely love the car, I think it's great!! Do you think it will work into our budget?") In our female brain its hard not to see the relation, but to man you are mixing completely different boxes and because of that they will start to shut down.

7. The next subject is video games, sometimes women find it kind of childish for our grown up partner to be playing video games. As I said above, men have a NOTHING box and when they play something as irrelevant as a video game, we women tend to get upset. However put a pause on the anger and backpedal for a second, and think about this: Men don't have to worry about real life for a moment while they play a video game. For most men, video games are relaxing. No matter how loud, extreme, or bloody it might be it is still helps them relax. If you are bothered for the amount of time he plays, TALK TO HIM DIRECTLY.

8. Despite the popular belief of most women, men are not mind readers. So if something is bothering you, talk to him directly. He will never guess what is going on, no matter how well he knows you.

9. Guy Time: Sometimes guys like to do things by themselves. It might be watching sports, playing video games, making scale model cars, or a whole plethora of other things. Just like us women like to take a hot bath, read a book, or sometimes play video games ourselves. Having space in a relationship and giving each other that space will stop us from suffocating each other. It doesn't have to be for long periods of time, just enough to appreciate the time and things we actually do together.

10. Guys will do anything for sex; please do not take advantage of their willingness. : )

11. When it comes to sex, sometimes guys can’t figure out what turns us on. So they just want to go and jackhammer your world (it is uncomfortable trust me). Help him by guiding him through your body and show him what you want and how you like it. He will find it super hot because you are getting turned on and are letting him be a part of and have access to that wonderful and delicious fruit which is your body. Plus of course, he will be ready to explode once you are ready, and so will you!

12. Make your man feel as desirable and sexy as he is.

13. Men LOVE their junk (their penis) so show it some love, and DO NOT EVER CRITICIZE IT!!!

14. Always look clean and good for him, I am not saying you have to go to the hairdresser and salon and stuff, just sexy, simple, and fun!

15. Sometimes we marry our best friend, sometimes we marry a guy we just fell in love with but had several differences with. I have seen both cases. I married my best friend and I fell in love with him. We like the same shows, activities, food, etc. so it’s pretty much a walk in the park. I have talked with several couples that were deeply in love when they got married but don't have much in common. So here is the key to success: Focus on things you do have in common and give each other some space to enjoy the things you like to do individually. It will also be quite a turn on for him if once in a while you surprise him by joining him in enjoying a new activity. Laughter produces the most endorphins. Always remember that eventually everyone’s looks will go away and the start-up passion will fade, but the true love, respect, and friendship between each other along with a genuine interest in each other is what will make a marriage a strong foundation for years to come.

16. Do NOT suffocate your man. If he had certain things you want him to change, remember that he is dealing with the mountain of defects that is you. So be gentle, loving, direct, and don't try to change him all at once. Because even though he will change, his true self will still be there in a little cage, and eventually will come out.

17. Men marry a woman or get with a woman to have a partner, not a mom. So be fun, sweet, and don't be too bossy.

18. If your man likes rated R movies due to the blood seemingly splashing out of the screen such as in the "SAW" movies, don’t expect him to change overnight and want to watch "The Notebook.” If you do, you are kind of off your rocker. So maybe you can watch movies that you both like, and let him have a boys night to watch the ones you aren’t interested in. A plate with salsa and chips along with some cool beverages will make your house the "TO GO" place, plus he will be able to appreciate it and love you for what you do.

19. There is a HUGE misconception that sex is over after marriage. Prove it wrong. In my experience, sex is actually way better after marriage, due to the love and trust you and your man have for each other. Plus you will know every nook and cranny of your partners body and know what buttons to push and when.

20. Men have sexual fantasies and whether women like to admit to it or not, we do to. Let's be honest if you have good communication, you can both agree on what is ok and what is off limits. If you have ever been curious about something and want to try something new, DON'T BE AFRAID. For sex with your partner to be full of passion and love, it has to be non-judgmental. You will never be able to reach a higher level of satisfaction if you feel like you are always being judged in bed. All women have a jaguar hiding inside aching to come out and play, so show you partner the way to let that passion out, and I PROMISE you will see fireworks. REMEMBER COMMUNICATION IS KEY.

21. Try to improve communication. Go on a date in the park, just to talk about non-important things, and even if you escalate the conversation to important things just enjoy the time you are talking. Always remember to be direct, guys have a hard time trying to understand what is in our head. Just speak up and show him how handsome, sexy, and how much love you have for him. Remember despite his tough exterior he has a heart too, so be gentle. ALWAYS ENJOY THE TIME YOU HAVE WITH HIM. Nobody knows what might happen tomorrow.

22. You mark the tone in the conversation, and remember yelling is a red flag that things are getting out of control. Talk even if you are upset, never yelled. Men feel accused and attack when you yell at them. Keep the tone down. If your partner starts to yell, ask him as nice as you can under the circumstance to please talk to you instead of yelling at you.

23. Love and marriage can be all you expected to be, but it’s a job for two, so love him, and treat him with all the love and respect he treats you with.

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